What is a Subject?

Starting a research project on DiVoMiner® is the same to start a “Subject”. There are two editions of Subject on the platform: Learning Edition and Research Edition. A Learning Edition is for learning the operation and usage of the platform, which is provided free of charge. A Research Edition is […]

Form a research team easily!

DiVoMiner® has flexible and convenient team management functions, so you can form your research team easily! There are two types of accounts on DiVoMiner®: administrator(s) and coder(s). When you need manual coding or manual correction of machine coding in your research, you can add coder accounts to the research team. […]

Where does the data on DiVoMiner® come from?

Some users want to do research with data on the DiVoMiner® platform, so where does the data come from? The editor summarized as follow: you can upload the data you have prepared (collect and organize by yourself, or download documents from other electronic databases); you can also tell us your […]

How to create a word cloud diagram?

Drag the variable for word frequency analysis to the [Dimension] field; click on the triangle arrow [∨] on the right of the variable, and select [Word Segmentation] for [Statistical Method]. In the same section, select the number of samples for [Statistical Quantity], and click [Save]. Select the word cloud diagram […]

DiVoMiner® design concept and operation process

DiVoMiner® is an AI-aided content analysis platform (ACA) for processing textual data with artificial intelligence and content analysis approach. Our platform features machine learning and manual refinement mechanism, to effectively process data in a one-stop fashion. Researchers can effectively complete the process of database building, sampling, inter-coder reliability test, coding, […]