How to download data?

All coded data on DiVoMiner® can be downloaded to user’s local drive. The results can be downloaded through [Quality Monitoring]-[Download]. The downloaded file format is CSV and can be opened with Excel and SPSS. To export in a numerical format means the data downloaded is displayed according to the category […]

How to adjust the coding result?

Users can adjust the coding results in the [Quality Monitoring] section, including both the machine coding and manual coding results. Simply click [Edit] on the right side of the data and modify the results, then click [Save]. TIPS: If you want to find a specific piece of data and adjust […]

How to manage the performance of coders?

DiVoMiner® supports teamwork and provides two account roles: administrator and coder. Coders can only enter the coding page and do manual coding. The administrator can manage the work of coders. [Coding Performance] View the total number of coding libraries, the number of coded posts, the number of remaining entries and […]

How to perform Manual Coding?

When the inter-coder reliability reached a reasonably acceptable level, you can start the formal coding procedure. On the [Coding] page, the middle section is the text for coding; the right section is the coding categories, which are the questions that the coder needs to answer after the text reading. The […]

How to run an inter-coder reliability test?

Inter-coder reliability refers to “the degree to which an independent coder evaluates the characteristics of a piece of information or artifacts and reaches the same conclusion” (Lombard, Snyder-Duch, & Bracken, 2004). The specific implementation process is to invite all coders to participate in the research to code the same data, […]